Read through How to Take Care of a Dog much more
How to Take Care of a Dog
Dog PregnancyMany people especially in the western countries love to have a pet at their home. Many of these pets are treated as a family member rather than an animal. Dogs are most popular among the pets these days. For many reasons dogs have become an integral part of our society.
Dog owners should have good knowledge about what ingredients to use in dog food. Sometimes they unconsciously create health problem for dogs by feeding them unhealthy food. Before feeding different types of food to dogs; owners should check the ingredients of the food. Also they have to remember every dog does not need same kind of food. Some dogs have allergies with specific food. The dog's food can be both vegetarian and non vegetarian. The mixture of proper ingredients is essential in both kind of food.
Dog owners should provide the necessary ingredient in the dog's food for their better growth. Important minerals like zinc help grow calcium. Some essential vitamins like A, B, D, E should be provided in dog's food. Also You have to keep in mind that at different ages dogs need different kind of food. Like an adult dog requires meat, egg while the puppies need milk. Male and female dogs also require different kind of food. Especially during the pregnancy female dogs need to feed properly.
The dog's health must be monitored periodically. There are signs of illness for dogs like excessive vomiting, continuous nasal discharge, passes loose stool for several times or too much barking. Then there is a high possibility that dog's health is not well enough.
Owning a dog put some additional responsibility to us. Proper care is essential for them. Feeding them proper food is one of the basic requirements. Owners need to be more aware and conscious about dog's diet.
Don't let your dog die young and prepare the best dog food recipe for your dog. Dog Food Secrets is a guide that explains the dog food recipes with pictures. Check out Dog Food Secrets Review.
Read How to Introduce a New Kitten to Your Dog - Underground Secret! more
How to Introduce a New Kitten to Your Dog - Underground Secret!
Dog Pregnancy StagesGetting a new kitten in your home is a wonderful thing but it can be a little bit difficult if you already have a pet dog in your house. Are you aware of how to introduce new kitten to your dog? While bringing the kitten to your home, it would be a good initiative to keep it in a separate place away from the dog. Shut away your dog and bring the kitten inside to get used to the surroundings and take in the smell of the dog. Then, do the same thing to the dog so that it becomes used to the smells of the kitten. Repeat this process many times before bringing the two pets face to face with each other.
It would be better to create a controlled environment when the kitten is introduced to the dog. This can be done by making a fence between the two when they see each other for the first time. This will allow the dog to smell the kitten and get used to it without the danger of the dog getting too rough to the kitten.
Take enough time with these stages so that the new kitten becomes a part of your house in front of your dog's eyes so that they can meet each other without any safety net. You should slowly start leaving them in the same room so that you can get assured that it would be safe to do so.
As your kitten is small in age and size, it will be better to keep an eye on it every time, especially when it's with your dog. The two animals will take some time to accept each other completely and even after that, it would be better to keep them monitored.
Every dog is different and some will never accept a cat or a kitten in its household. But you have to keep patience and make sure that the kitten is never exposed to any danger.
Learn to how to introduce new kitten to dog, Please Visit Pets Training [].
For more information on Secret of Healthy Dog Foods, Please Visit Homemade Dog Foods [].
Read through Breeding Healthy Dogs additional
Numerous people across the world love to keep dogs as their pets. They will do everything to keep their dogs in the best of health. These people also like to breed their dogs, either to increase their numbers or to make money out of them. However, most of them do not have a fair idea of how to breed healthy dogs and land themselves into problems. Therefore, if you are one of them, and if you need to know about the ways to breeding healthy dogs, you must follow some good advice.
One of the foremost things is choosing the right mate for your dog. While choosing the right mate, you must see whether it is compatible and possesses good temperament. Both the male and the female should be healthy and must have no genetic faults, which may potentially jeopardize the health of their puppies. Moreover, you must be sure whether the female dog is healthy, as it will determine her pregnancy and the process of birth. In this case, you must support the female dog with healthy supplements and nutritious food to ensure healthy birth. Better health will enable them to stay healthy during pregnancy as well.
You must determine the breeding history of both the female and male dogs. A good breeding record is very essential for successful breeding. Prepare the record of the medical history for your female dog, when it is going into heat, changing its behavior or different medical issues. There are various kinds of dogs, and so it is essential to have the knowledge of the kind of spices that you have. If you find that your dog is the rarest of its type, you may find difficult in getting a compatible dog for matting. However, in this regard, if you want to mate with different species, be assured about the history of the dog, and about its health and temperament. You must as well know your dog's family of breeds.
If you can get the information about your dog's family of breeds, you can easily know the stature of your own dog. In the case of female dog, there are more complications in respect to the male dogs, as it is little bit hard task to find the history of the female dog. However, in this case you can consult your nearby vet. It has been seen that failure in conception is mainly due to the female dogs. It can be due the hormone problem or wrong timing, or some thing like that. It takes nearly 2 years for the female dogs to be fully-grown as well as developed. Therefore, do not consider her for mating before her age. If she is mated before her full development, she may face problems in conceiving and it may put your dog into danger.
Before breeding, you must get your bitch or stud checked to make sure whether s/he is free from brucellosis. This disease can cause sterility in both the sexes and it can further cause the puppies to be aborted just after birth. Moreover, this germ is occasionally passed through sexual intercourse among the dogs, and it can infect the whole kennel.
This article comes to you from dog lover John Pawlett who is currently building a community site for dog breeds [] and breeders []
Breeding Healthy Dogs
Examine Puppy Development a lot more
Puppy Development
Dog Pregnancy StagesTHE PRENATAL PERIOD - before birth - adverse experiences for the pregnant mother may affect the behaviour of the offspring. These include the lack of a balanced diet or a stressful experience such as being hit by a car.
THE NEONATAL PERIOD - birth to 2 weeks - a constant human interference will interrupt the instinctive relationship between mother and puppy and can have a detrimental effect on the pup in later life. A puppy who has never had a human touch or external stimulation can grow up less confident and emotionally stable. The need for a happy balance is important if future stability is needed. The needs of a puppy at this stage are; food, warmth, rest, urination and defaecation.
THE SOCIALIZATION PERIOD -3 to 12 weeks - This happens rapidly and is when particular responses are acquired most readily and bonds are made. The socialisation period is characterised by interactions with family, people and its surroundings. The pup learns how to dominate or submit during this stage. Environmental issues at this stage have the greatest effect on the behaviour as an adult.
THE JUVENILE PERIOD - 12 weeks to 2 years - This happens at the end of the socialization period but the timing is not clear cut. Many puppies regress at around 6 months old when they have a heightened awareness of stimuli previously tolerated such as traffic or strangers which can provoke a fearful response. The puppy is now old enough to start training to heel and stay on command. This can only be for short periods at a time to begin with at first.
THE ADULTHOOD PERIOD - 2years old is generally accepted as the age of adulthood. This is when entire male dogs make a bid for dominance, either challenging the owner or other dogs in the house. Traumatic experiences which occur during the socialization period between 3 and 12 weeks of age can have a detrimental consequences and attribute to behaviour problems during adult life. This period is characterized by interactions with it's litter mates, it's mother, with people and the surroundings.
The more POSITIVE experiences that the puppy encounters during this time, the more stable the puppy will be going into adulthood. It should be remembered that this is usually a very stressful time for a puppy as usually they are re-homed at around this age and if the move is traumatic it can have an affect on the adult dog.
The best circumstances in which to buy a puppy include;
HOME-REARED - where the puppy has been exposed to human handling along with a variety of everyday sights, sounds and smells.
HEALTHY AGE - no younger than 6 weeks of age.
TEMPERAMENT - of both bitch and dog should be observed and the bitches behaviour with the puppies.
THE NEW HOME - should be as similar as possible to the old home to minimize stress. Most of these points are common sense but people still buy puppies at 4 weeks old, without seeing the mother, from a pet shop, or a puppy that has been ill. They then wonder why they experience problems later.
There are arguments for and against the BEST age to separate a puppy from its mother.
Puppies bought from pet shops or puppy farms are likely to have problems as adults as are puppies who have suffered illness, they suffer from fear induced aggression or excessive barking; this is a result of forced isolation and painful experiences.
Puppies that leave their mother at a relatively late time such as 16 - 24 weeks can show an increased fear of other dogs and traffic. This may be due to a kennel - reared upbringing or a lack of stimuli.
Some psychologists believe that puppies should stay with the mother until 12 weeks of age as before this time puppies are very vulnerable but this is also after the crucial stages of socialization.
Puppies removed at 6 weeks showed a loss of appetite, increased distress and a susceptibility to illness.
The optimum time for socialization is between 6 - 8 weeks when the puppy's instinct to make friends with strangers overcomes its natural wariness and is why it is advocated the ideal time to remove the puppy from its mother and litter mates to a new home.
There are gaps in our current knowledge of the early development of behaviour problems. We do not know a great deal about what crosses the placenta to the unborn puppy and this may affect behaviour.
Research shows that puppies are particularly vulnerable to psychological damage resulting in behavioral problems. With children we can monitor progress through interview, dream interpretation and free association but with our puppies we can only guess at what might have occurred.
John Burns is a qualified veterinarian who for the past fourteen years has also been producing a natural, holistic and complete food for dogs and cats, Burns Real Food - free of artificial colours, flavorings and preservatives.
As a practicing Veterinary Surgeon, John became increasingly concerned about the quality of pet foods on the market, and how nutrition was playing a part in the poor health of the pets that he was seeing in his surgery.
Burns Pet Nutrition are known for being an ethical company with excellent customer service and nutrition support which can be accessed via their website
Read through Weight Gain During Pregnancy - The Unglamorous Side of Pregnancy extra
Let's face it; one of the biggest drags about having a baby is weight gain during pregnancy. It seems like Mother Nature has "stacked the deck" against us. Between the crazy food cravings and feeling dog-tired all the time how are we supposed to avoid packing on the pounds? I mean, except for those genetic freaks that seem to be skinnier than before they got pregnant and look like a super model after they have their baby, the rest of us end up looking like the Good Year blimp.
Well, the good news is that pregnancy and weight gain do not necessarily have to go hand in hand. It is possible to look good during pregnancy, maybe not super model good looking, but we can maintain some semblance of normal weight through diet and exercise.
Diet and exercise you say? But I could not even keep a good diet and exercise program going before I got pregnant! That is OK. Just think, now you have added motivation to follow a good diet and exercise routing when pregnant. You are not only doing it for yourself, you are doing it for that little baby growing inside of you.
Let's look at diet first. And, no, I do not mean diet as in the latest fad diet. I am talking about what kinds of foods you eat and how much of it you eat. Many pregnant women lie on the couch like the Queen of Sheba eating whatever they can get into their mouths. Yes I am talking about those dreaded cravings. Pickles, Ice Cream, Taco Bell, deep fried Twinkies, you name it and pregnant women have craved it.
As hard as it may seem, you can avoid these cravings with a little self control. If you need some motivation, know that gaining excessive weight during pregnancy can hurt your baby. Studies have shown that women who gain too much weight when pregnant have a higher risk for gestational diabetes. You do not have to totally avoid the foods you crave, just have a little self control. Crave ice cream? Have a small bowl; you do not have to inhale the whole half gallon.
Eat a well balanced diet comprised of different types of foods to get all your nutrients. You really do not have to eat much more than you did before you got pregnant. "But I am eating for two" you say? Research shows that pregnant women only need to consume about 300 extra calories per day to give their baby an appropriate amount of nutrition.
As far as exercising goes it is safe and healthy to exercise during pregnancy. The benefits are numerous and all good. From a healthier baby, to an easier pregnancy and delivery it is a great idea to participate in some kind of exercise while expecting to avoid weight gain during pregnancy.
There are plenty of pregnancy fitness programs out there. They will help motivate you and lead you through a fitness program that is comprised of exercises perfectly tailored to help not only prevent weight gain during pregnancy but to actually help you look great and feel great.
There is a really good pregnancy fitness program at I would recommend starting there if you are looking for a good program. Who knows, if you eat right and exercise during pregnancy maybe you will be one of those "genetic freak" super-model mommies!
Weight Gain During Pregnancy - The Unglamorous Side of Pregnancy
Examine Whelping Puppies - Stages of Puppy Birth additional
The average pregnancy timeline for dogs is 63 days. You should start taking your dog's temperature around day 56 from the first successful breeding attempt. Do this at least once in the morning and again at night. The normal temp is 100-102 degrees. Once this drops to about 98 degrees, your dog is within 24 hours of whelping her puppies. We suggest having your pregnant dog sleep in her whelping box or other preferred area for about a week before her due date. This will get her used to being there so she is not as uncomfortable when the time comes. This is also helpful in case she delivers in the middle of the night.
Labor Stage I
When she reaches this point your dog will probably stop eating within the final 24 hours before whelping her litter. She will want you close by and may follow you around. The experienced dam may stay in the whelping box, knowing her puppies are about to be born. A mucus discharge may be visible on her vulva area. She will move around and start to pant, trying to get comfortable as her contractions begin to start. This stage can last a few hours.
Labor Stage II
Your dog will be panting heavier now, may display a digging/nesting behavior looking for a place to whelp, will be licking her vulva frequently and rolling around or pacing back and forth. She will also start to shiver and will start having mild contractions. This stage is much quicker than the first unless complications arise.
Labor Stage III
Your dog will display extreme shivering now. Her contractions will be hard and more frequent. This will be very noticeable. As she gets closer to whelping you should be able to see a big discharge of fluid before the first puppy presents. It could be the water breaking from the first puppy OR from her cervical mucous plug passing. During contractions many dogs remain silent but it is not uncommon for them to make grunting noises as they happen. When your dog is ready to whelp she will sit up, squat or lay on her side. This is when the first puppy is moving into the birth canal and is ready to present. You will notice a clear sac that the puppy is encased in. It may be visible for up to an hour before coming all the way out, protruding further with each contraction (This varies by breed). This sac may rupture as it passes or the puppy & placenta may be pushed out together with the puppy still encased. Many times the puppy comes out and the placenta remains until further contractions. Either way it is vital remove the sac and clear the newborn's airway from any fluids to prevent trauma!
Okay, so the first puppy is born. What now?
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This Puppy Whelping article comes from our knowledge of breeding Miniature Australian Shepherds. You can see our puppies on our Galena Aussies website Mini Australian Shepherds
Whelping Puppies - Stages of Puppy Birth
Dog Pregnancy StagesGo through What Are Signs and Symptoms That Your Dog Is Going to Give Birth? more
What Are Signs and Symptoms That Your Dog Is Going to Give Birth?
Dog PregnancyPregnant dogs can prove to be a priority for some new family pet owners because many wouldn't know what to do. One of the best things that an owner can do would be to figure out when their dog should be to give birth and to do that, they should count 9 week from the time they suspected the dog may be pregnant. Below are some of the indications that a pet dog is going to give birth.
Listlessness, Restlessness, Can not Stay in a single Spot, Seeking Your Attention - These are all signs that your family pet may just start to have its puppies, From the moment you see these signs and symptoms your family pet could whelp in an hour or it could still be a 4 hour wait. I find that my dog will show these signs and symptoms when their contractions are that more regular. She would whine and bark at me so that I can rub her stomach.
Won't Eat and a Has a fall in Body Temperature - Expecting dogs are big eaters, well at least they must be. My dogs certainly eat a lot and when she stops eating, I take it as a sign that labor may have started. When you observe that there is a drop in the dog's body temperature, there is a good chance that the puppies will be born in twenty four hours.
Nesting, Looking for a Dark and Warm Place, Scratching the Floorboards or Digging at Soil - These happen when the dog is readying for the birth and is already looking for a fantastic place to do it. If you notice this in your pet then it may be time to start leading them to a nice balmy place that you have ready.
There is going to be loads of good information on the subject of whelping in posts that discussed weimaraner growling. Use that as your manual when you find yourself faced with a expecting pet dog. Also, below are some indications that your puppy is about to give birth.
When you do think that your dog is about to have its puppy dogs, the best thing to do would be to be there for your family pet. Many dogs, especially the first timers, might be very stressed and scared. So, just make sure you be there for your dogs and give them the assistance that they need from you now.
If you are panicky in relation to whelping and if you would not know what to do, you can go to a forum that discuss the discuss these topics. You also can read an article similar to this weimaraner growling one that is going to provide you with the information that you need.
If you want to know more about how you can deal with Weimaraner Growling, click on this link where you is going to be able to get more resources.
Study Urinary Tract Infection - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment more
Urinary tract infections are one of the common disorders that every human being will face in the later stages of their life. It is said that half of the women would experience a urinary tract infection in any part of their life.
To put it into statistical data, reports suggest that 40% of women and 12% of men have chances of getting infected with urinary infection at least once in their life. Women who are said to be sexually very active are the ones who have more chances of getting a urinary tract infection. In men the chances of getting this urinary infection are more after the age of 50.
These urinary infections are caused by a bacterium that moves from the urinary duct into the bladder. In the case of women, reasons which may lead to a urinary tract infection are pregnancy, diabetes and sexual intercourse.
There are many symptoms which can help in identifying a urinary tract infection. In most cases a person caught with such an infection will feel to urinate frequently. When they go to the toilet they could find that only a small amount of urine will go and there would be a burning sensation while passing urine. The other symptoms of urinary infection are that you may unknowingly dribble and leak urine while sleeping.
The following are the things to do while infected with a urinary tract infection.
1-Start taking medication as per the advices of the doctor. In most cases strong antibiotics would be suggested by the doctor so as to get rid of the infection very quickly. You should continue the medication for some more time even if the symptoms stop because some of the bacteria will survive and there are chances of you being again infected with an infection.
2-Do take rest for a longer time and if fever is still persisting, then stay in bed for some more time until you get completely cured from the infection.
3-It is always advisable to drink more and more amount of water. You should drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water regularly. By taking in more amount of water you are actually helping the kidneys to function more effectively and can thus avoid the effects of the urinary infection to a large extend.
4-You may always feel the urge to go for toilet. Do so whenever you get that feeling.
5-During the treatment period you should completely avoid drinking alcohol or other beverages like caffeine which can irritate the bladder.
6-It is advisable that you take a shower every day instead of a good bath. The genital area should be cleaned with soap and water.
7-You should always remember to wipe from front to back after urinating. These will help in reducing germs from infecting the bladder.
8-Continue your visits to the doctor regularly and do so until you are completely cured. If you do not continue the frequent check up, then chances are that these infections will get worse and it may even effect the functioning of your kidney.
Abortion Clinic Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortion clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services and sexually transmitted disease screening and counseling.
Urinary Tract Infection - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Dog Pregnancy StagesRead through Available Autism Treatments far more
The is no one singular program that stands out in autism treatments, but incorporating the treatment that is best suited for your child will ensure that his or her life is more convenient and he or she will feel more comfortable in their different surroundings.
It is important that all autism treatments adhere to certain guidelines, if they do not it is best not to opt for that specific treatment.
You will need to the child with autism evaluated by health professionals to determine which autism treatment will be suited and in what stage of severity his or her autism disorder is. Many unusual treatments have been suggested, but the success of these treatments has rarely been positive. This is unfortunately the scenario we face as the care takers of people with autism. There is no miraculous cure or recovery when facing the possibility that your child may have autism. Certain antipsychotic may be able to help with treating a person with autism, but as mentioned before the results will depend on the severity of the autism.
Recent strange treatments have also been suggested. However, you should be careful when considering one of these treatments. If you have not received a measure of convincible proof that these treatments can in fact help, then you should rather check for an alternative program that might be available. Autism treatments are unfortunately not a cure for this disorder, but it will help creating a healthier atmosphere for the person or child with autistic tendencies.
There are a number of tests that has been discussed to check if your baby might have autism. These tests have caused a considerable amount of controversy. However, the measure of accuracy has been surprisingly distinct. One of these tests that are conducted is called prenatal testing. This basically entails researching the development of children from the stage of infancy to about the age of nine years. This will give a good indication on what symptoms to look out for when you fear your child may have autism.
A different test that could be conducted is during the pregnancy stage. This test is also used to determine whether a child may be born with Down's syndrome. This will provide parents the option of termination of the fetus. This in itself is a very controversial discussion. However, it is entirely up to the parents whether they are willing to risk the chance of having a child with autism. There are a few drugs one could take to try and prevent autism in infants. These drugs are used to prevent testosterone, but the results are entirely dependable on the person who consumes the medication.
As said, there may not be one singular effective way of treating autism, but various ways depending on how severe the autism disorder is diagnosed with your child, but by consulting your doctor you will be informed of the option that will be suited as best possible to your child. These autism treatments may be able to make a substantial difference in the lives of children with autism.
Read more about autism treatments []. Visit Autism Help [].
Available Autism Treatments
Dog Pregnancy StagesRead through Pregnancy - Signs and Symptoms of Early Pregnancy far more
The most difficult part in this process is the waiting to know. Your daily schedule and routine suddenly disturbed with overwhelming thoughts that keep you wondering. Am I? Could I be? How can I know?
If expecting, you might begin experiencing some body changes and experiences of early pregnancy symptoms. However, not every pregnant woman experiences the same group of symptoms in their early stages at the same level. Symptoms are unique and may not look like those felt by one of your girlfriends. Hence, if you missed one of the symptoms others have experienced, it does not mean you are not expecting.
Seven common symptoms
1. Food Aversions
If walking into the kitchen makes you cringe and you can't even walk past the local Subway restaurant without gagging, you could be pregnant. Many women report that such intense food aversions are one of the first early pregnancy symptoms. Rising levels of beta-HCG hormone can cause these.
2. Physical Changes
The most reliable early sign of pregnancy is a first missed period, assuming your periods are regular.
3. Fatigue
Extreme, unexplainable fatigue is probably the most common sign of early pregnancy.
4. Sensitivity to Smells
Scents that you never found pleasant (like car exhaust) and even ones that were pleasing (like your mans cologne) can make you woozy during pregnancy's early stages.
5. Nausea and Vomiting
Can't get away from the toilet? Nausea and vomiting can be some of the first indications that you're pregnant. Those rising hormones are once again to blame.
6. Breast Swelling and Tenderness
The best thing to do about breast tenderness is to get a better bra. My favorites are sports bras; they do wonders for extra support.
7. Frequent Urination
There is no way to avoid this, but going to the bathroom right before bed allows for a little more sleep. "I will probably still have to get up at least once in the night to use the bathroom.
Rapid Hormone Changes
Believe me your hormones will change rapidly and leave you asking what just happened?
This is why pre-menstrual symptoms can be muddled with early pregnancy symptoms.
Progesterone is a female hormone and the principal progestational hormone that is made mainly by the corpus luteum in the ovary and by the placenta.
Progesterone prepares the lining (endometrium) of the uterus (the womb) to receive and maintain the fertilized egg and is vital to allow a pregnancy to remain prosperous.Progesterone rises pre-menstrually, but continues to rise further after the period is missed.
A few women do get early pregnancy symptoms before five or six weeks of pregnancy, especially those who have previously had children. Their body is more delicate to the hormones and they are aware that the sensation is different than pre-menstrual signs.
The Main Cause
HCG is the abbreviation for "Human Chorionic Gonadotropin", the "pregnancy hormone" which is being manufactured by the placenta as soon as implantation occurs about one week after fertilization and ovulation. HCG then continues to rise until about 10-12 weeks at which point it will stabilize or drop. Other hormones increase during pregnancy too, mainly progesterone and a little estrogen, which contribute to many of the early pregnancy symptoms. These hormones are not detected with the standard pregnancy tests.
Women pregnant with multiples may notice their pregnancy signs are more intense and noticed earlier on because they have higher levels of HCG in their system.
False Alarm
Pregnancy symptoms are not a guaranteed sign that you are expecting. Keep in mind every lady and every pregnancy is unique, so there is no need to panic if you don't have all of the listed early pregnancy symptoms and for others no need to panic is you do have all of the listed early pregnancy symptoms.
Only time can tell if you will be greeting your next joyful time of the month or a mini soon-to-be version of yourself!
For your free "Healthy Birth Booklet-6 Steps to a Safer Birth" filled with six simple steps that support and guide your decisions before and during labor to have a safer and healthier birth-for both you and your baby, visit the link below.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be used for diagnosis or to guide treatment without the opinion of a health professional. Any reader should contact a licensed medical professional regarding their own condition.