Read through Weight Gain During Pregnancy - The Unglamorous Side of Pregnancy extra

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Let's face it; one of the biggest drags about having a baby is weight gain during pregnancy. It seems like Mother Nature has "stacked the deck" against us. Between the crazy food cravings and feeling dog-tired all the time how are we supposed to avoid packing on the pounds? I mean, except for those genetic freaks that seem to be skinnier than before they got pregnant and look like a super model after they have their baby, the rest of us end up looking like the Good Year blimp.

Well, the good news is that pregnancy and weight gain do not necessarily have to go hand in hand. It is possible to look good during pregnancy, maybe not super model good looking, but we can maintain some semblance of normal weight through diet and exercise.

Diet and exercise you say? But I could not even keep a good diet and exercise program going before I got pregnant! That is OK. Just think, now you have added motivation to follow a good diet and exercise routing when pregnant. You are not only doing it for yourself, you are doing it for that little baby growing inside of you.

Let's look at diet first. And, no, I do not mean diet as in the latest fad diet. I am talking about what kinds of foods you eat and how much of it you eat. Many pregnant women lie on the couch like the Queen of Sheba eating whatever they can get into their mouths. Yes I am talking about those dreaded cravings. Pickles, Ice Cream, Taco Bell, deep fried Twinkies, you name it and pregnant women have craved it.

As hard as it may seem, you can avoid these cravings with a little self control. If you need some motivation, know that gaining excessive weight during pregnancy can hurt your baby. Studies have shown that women who gain too much weight when pregnant have a higher risk for gestational diabetes. You do not have to totally avoid the foods you crave, just have a little self control. Crave ice cream? Have a small bowl; you do not have to inhale the whole half gallon.

Eat a well balanced diet comprised of different types of foods to get all your nutrients. You really do not have to eat much more than you did before you got pregnant. "But I am eating for two" you say? Research shows that pregnant women only need to consume about 300 extra calories per day to give their baby an appropriate amount of nutrition.

As far as exercising goes it is safe and healthy to exercise during pregnancy. The benefits are numerous and all good. From a healthier baby, to an easier pregnancy and delivery it is a great idea to participate in some kind of exercise while expecting to avoid weight gain during pregnancy.

There are plenty of pregnancy fitness programs out there. They will help motivate you and lead you through a fitness program that is comprised of exercises perfectly tailored to help not only prevent weight gain during pregnancy but to actually help you look great and feel great.

There is a really good pregnancy fitness program at I would recommend starting there if you are looking for a good program. Who knows, if you eat right and exercise during pregnancy maybe you will be one of those "genetic freak" super-model mommies!

Weight Gain During Pregnancy - The Unglamorous Side of Pregnancy